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l the only reward of virtue
对美德的回报是美德,获得友谊的唯一途径是给人以友谊。  detail>>
the only reward of virtue is virtue
对美德的回报是美德,获得友谊的唯一途径是给人以友谊.----爱默生  detail>>
lesson reward for virtue
对美德的奖赏  detail>>
virtue is its own reward
善有善报意指  detail>>
by virtue of
借助于,由于 凭借,借助;因为 依靠…;由于,因为 因;靠;由于;借助于 由于,借于  detail>>
in virtue of
依靠..., 凭借, 由于, 因为  detail>>
 n.  1.德,品德;德行,善行 (opp. vice ), 美德;节操,贞操。 2.价值,长处,优点。 3.力,效能,效力,功效。 4....  detail>>
virtue of
有...优点  detail>>
a reward
作为酬谢  detail>>
a reward for
作为报酬  detail>>
as a reward for
作为…回报  detail>>
in reward for
作为报答  detail>>
 n.  1.报酬,酬劳,奖赏,酬金 (for)。 2.报答;报应;惩罚。  短语和例子   offer [g...  detail>>
only love (l’amour en heritage)
只有你  detail>>
a misstepping of virtue
美德的动摇  detail>>
a woman of virtue
烈女行 贞洁的妇女  detail>>
accumulate virtue
积德  detail>>
after virtue
追寻德性 追寻美德  detail>>